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I am using NEO4J apoc.refactor.setType to change the rel type of a relationship with no luck

I am trying to change the rel type of a relationship as outlined below and getting the following error:
Neo.ClientError.Statement.SyntaxError: Procedure call inside a query does not support naming results implicitly (name explicitly using `YIELD` instead) (line 4, column 22 (offset: 224))
"                     call apoc.refactor.setType(r, 'OWNED')"

If adding YIELD is the answer I am not sure what to YIELD ??

MATCH (user:Owner {email: ""})-[r:OWNS]->(v:Vehicles {name:"Chevy"})
                         WHERE r.model = "Silverado" OR NOT EXISTS(r.model)
                         WITH r,user,v
                         call apoc.refactor.setType(r, 'OWNED')
                         YIELD ?????
                        RETURN user,r,v


  • You can use the procedure to see the signature of APOC functions. For example, the result of this statement:



    │"type"     │"name"            │"text"            │"signature"       │"roles"│"writes"│
    │"procedure"│"apoc.refactor.set│"apoc.refactor.set│"apoc.refactor.set│null   │null    │
    │           │Type"             │Type(rel, 'NEW-TYP│Type(relationship │       │        │
    │           │                  │E') change relatio│:: RELATIONSHIP?, │       │        │
    │           │                  │nship-type"       │newType :: STRING?│       │        │
    │           │                  │                  │) :: (input :: INT│       │        │
    │           │                  │                  │EGER?, output :: R│       │        │
    │           │                  │                  │ELATIONSHIP?, erro│       │        │
    │           │                  │                  │r :: STRING?)"    │       │        │

    So, apoc.refactor.setType has these yieldable variables: input, output and error.

    This query should work for you:

    MATCH (user:Owner {email: ""})-[r:OWNS]->(v:Vehicles {name:"Chevy"})
    WHERE r.model = "Silverado" OR NOT EXISTS(r.model)
    CALL apoc.refactor.setType(r, 'OWNED') YIELD output
    RETURN user, output AS r, v