I am trying to read a jpeg file, do some simple transformation and write it out using boost::gil library. Right now I am stuck as even reading out a file, extracting non-white points (it contains only red and white points) and writing them into another file gives completely unexpected results. I want the pictures to be the same, but this is what happens:
And This is the output picture:
This is how I read the non-white coordinates:
vector<Point2D> points;
//load points from file
rgb8_image_t img;
jpeg_read_image(in_file_path, img );
assert( 2 == img._view.num_dimensions );
const auto dimensions = img._view.dimensions();
assert( 2 == dimensions.num_dimensions );
row_width = dimensions.x;
col_height = dimensions.y;
size_t white_cnt = 0;
size_t non_white_cnt = 0;
for ( uint32_t x = 0; x < dimensions.x; ++x ){
for ( uint32_t y = 0; y < dimensions.y; ++y ){
const rgb8_pixel_t& pix = const_view(img)( rgb8_image_t::point_t(x,y) );
if ( !is_white(pix) ){
points.push_back( Point2D {x,y} );
And this is how write the same points out
rgb8_image_t img(row_width,col_heigth);
rgb8_pixel_t white(255,255,255);
rgb8_pixel_t red(255,0,0);
rgb8_pixel_t blue(0,0,255);
fill_pixels( view(img), white );
cout << "printing " << points.size() << "points" << std::endl;
for ( Point2D p : points ){
const auto x = p[0];
const auto y = p[1];
cout << x <<"," << y << endl;
view(img)( rgb8_image_t::point_t( x,y ) ) = red;
jpeg_write_view( out_file_path, const_view(img));
For completeness, this is the is_white check:
bool is_white( const boost::gil::rgb8_pixel_t& pix ){
const auto r = boost::gil::at_c<0>(pix);
const auto g = boost::gil::at_c<1>(pix);
const auto b = boost::gil::at_c<2>(pix);
constexpr auto MAX_VAL = std::numeric_limits<decltype(r)>::max();
return ( MAX_VAL == r ) && ( MAX_VAL == g ) && ( MAX_VAL == b );
Any Idea what am I doing wrong?
Thank you
Due to JPEG artifacts in your source data, you have many non-white pixels that aren't actually red:
You need to compare colors with a threshold. I decided that for your current data it would be more effective to detect non-whiteness in a grayscale view, so the whole program effectively becomes:
[](auto& pix) { return pix<200? blue : white; });
Here's a modified take:
#include <boost/gil.hpp>
#include <boost/gil/color_convert.hpp>
#include <boost/gil/extension/io/jpeg.hpp>
#include <boost/gil/io/io.hpp>
#include <iostream>
namespace gil = boost::gil;
int main() {
static const gil::rgb8_pixel_t
white(255, 255, 255),
red(255, 0, 0),
blue(0, 0, 255);
// load points from file
gil::gray8_image_t input;
read_and_convert_image("input.jpg", input,
auto dimensions = input._view.dimensions();
gil::rgb8_image_t output(dimensions.x, dimensions.y, white);
[](auto& pix) { return pix<200? blue : white; });
write_view("output.jpg", const_view(output), gil::jpeg_tag());
Here's input and output alternating: