I define some case classes based on Exception
with identical behavior (source)
case class Foo(msg: String) extends Exception {
override def toString: String = scala.runtime.ScalaRunTime._toString(this)
case class Bar(msg: String) extends Exception {
override def toString: String = scala.runtime.ScalaRunTime._toString(this)
case class Boo(msg: String) extends Exception {
override def toString: String = scala.runtime.ScalaRunTime._toString(this)
All these new exceptions repeat same code. I want to rid of redundant code duplication. I unsuccessfully tried to use interim common base class and traits. Please, help me remove excess code duplication.
takes a Product
def _toString(x: Product): String =
x.productIterator.mkString(x.productPrefix + "(", ",", ")")
hence try defining
trait ProductException extends Exception with Product {
override def toString: String = scala.runtime.ScalaRunTime._toString(this)
and then
case class Foo(msg: String) extends ProductException
Foo("Live long and prosper")
// res1: Foo = Foo(Live long and prosper)
This works because case classes are implicitly Product
s, for example, defnining
case class Foo(msg: String)
is expanded by compiler to something like
case class Foo(msg: String) extends Object with Product with Serializable