I'm trying to access javasctipt mediaDevices inside an AngularJs controller this is my controller code:
(function () {
'use strict';
.controller('AssistenzaCtrl', ['$scope', 'largeTabController', 'readSelect', '$mdDialog', '$interval', '$http', '$window', AssistenzaCtrl])
function AssistenzaCtrl($scope, largeTabController, readSelect, $mdDialog, $interval, $http, $window ) {
$scope.init = function () {
if (!navigator.mediaDevices || !navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices) {
console.log("enumerateDevices() not supported.");
.then(function(devices) {
devices.forEach(function(device) {
console.log(device.kind + ": " + device.label +
" id = " + device.deviceId);
.catch(function(err) {
console.log(err.name + ": " + err.message);
If I test My controller with F12 tools navigator.mediaDevices is undefined but my browser supports mediaDevices because if I run the same code inside a standalone page without AngularJs I can successfully enumerate my devices.
Are the compatibility issues between AngularJs and getUserMedia() ?
The issue was related to the use of http protocol instead od https. The browser enables getUserMedia only for https or connections to localhost.
I hope that this answer can help somebody.