Search code examples

Do a function on click in component

I have a button :

<BSButton Color="Color.Info" @onclick="LoadCategoryDetailsModal">
     <i class="fal fa-plus-circle mr-1"></i>Add New Category

I have a component :

<CategoryDetails CategoryDetailModalTitle="@categoryDetailModalTitle">

In the component, I have a function to toggle the modal (show/hide); the modal is hidden by default

@using BlazingShop.Services
@inject ICategoryService CategoryService

<BSModal @ref="CategoryDetailsModal" IsCentered="true">
    <BSModalHeader OnClick="@OnToggle">@CategoryDetailModalTitle</BSModalHeader>
    <BSModalBody><p>Modal body text goes here.</p></BSModalBody>
        <BSButton Color="Color.Primary">Save Changes</BSButton>
        <BSButton Color="Color.Secondary" @onclick="@OnToggle">Close</BSButton>

@code {

    BSModal CategoryDetailsModal;

    public string CategoryDetailModalTitle { get; set; }

    void OnToggle(MouseEventArgs e)

I try to toggle the modal from the parent component.

Can you help me please ?

When I click on this button (in parent component):

<BSButton Color="Color.Info" @onclick="LoadCategoryDetailsModal">
    <i class="fal fa-plus-circle mr-1"></i>Add New Category

I want to to this function inside the child component:



  • Hey I just find the answer ! Add the @ref="Modal" in your Component :

    <CategoryDetails CategoryDetailModalTitle="@categoryDetailModalTitle" @ref="@Modal"></CategoryDetails>

    in @Code section :

    private CategoryDetails Modal { get; set; }

    In the method when you click on the button :

     private void LoadCategoryDetailsModal()
            category = new Category();
            categoryDetailModalTitle = "Add New Category";

    Toggle it's a method I made in the Child component :

    public void Toggle()