how to add extra spaces before any Special character in string ,in Swift, for example if i have string
var str = "#StackOverFlow@is$awesome"
" #StackOverFlow @is $awesome" // i have to achieve this...add empty spaces before every #
how can we solve and achieve this in Swift
You can use a regular expression to match any special character "[^\\w]"
which means any non word character and replace by the same match "$0"
preceded by white spaces. If you would like to exclude whitespaces from being replaced you can use "[^\\w|\\s]"
let str = "#StackOverFlow#is#awesome"
let result = str.replacingOccurrences(of: "[^\\w]",
with: " $0",
options: .regularExpression)
print(result) // " #StackOverFlow #is #awesome\n"
let str2 = "•StackOverFlow•is•awesome"
let result2 = str2.replacingOccurrences(of: "[^\\w]",
with: " $0",
options: .regularExpression)
print(result2) // " •StackOverFlow •is •awesome\n"