I trained YOLOv3 via the Darknet framework. Every 1000 iteration it saved the weights but at the end, Darknet evaluates all the weights, and uses the best. They are saved in a separate file "yolov3_best.weights".
I want to find out, which iteration was used for this file. I tried so far:
but I couldn't find it.
Does anyone have a solution?
Thanks upfront.
so, it is not clear how to find out which iteration step / epoch was used for the best_weights-file, so I did the following:
I wrote a script, which uses the "yolov3_best.weights"-file to detect all classes in the testset, compared that with my label-data and calculated the metrics recall, precision and f1. I did this also for all the other weights, that darknet saves by default (every 1000 iteration steps) and compared the results of.
At the end I found out, that the "yolov3_best.weights" is not the best for my metrics, so I choose the one with the highest recall value (but others may choose according to the metric that has to be optimized for the case neccessary).
Hope this helpes others.