When the user clicks on on area of an image I want to trigger and ajax request to the server. Is there an easy way to implement this a-la Rails 3 UJS? Something similar to link_to ..., :remote=>true?
I have tried to the following code:
=image_tag 'post_bar_270x57.png', :usemap=>'#add_post'
%area{:shape=>"rect", :coords=>"40,4,86,50", :href=>new_message_path, :'data-remote'=>'true', :title=>"Message"}
but the added data-remote attributes does not work.
Thanks for any help.
After trying several things I concluded the easiest way is to to have an HTML anchor element on top of the png with that I can simply use the link_to helper with :remote=>true. It took me less than 10 minutes to get the all thing working.
Edit: here is the code form my haml file (in production I removed the map element)
=image_tag 'post_bar_270x57.png', :usemap=>'#add_post'
%area{:shape=>"rect", :coords=>"40,4,86,50", :href=>new_message_path, :title=>"Message"}
%area{:shape=>"rect", :coords=>"100,4,146,50", :href=>new_message_path, :title=>"Reminder(140 chars)"}
=link_to "", new_message_path, :remote=>true
and the css
#post_message_link a{
position: absolute;
top: 0px;
left: 40px;
width: 45px;
height: 50px;
display: block;
z-index: 100;