I have a class method that takes a list and determines if the list is valid or not according to a function.
I want to test it on three lists that are stored as static variables because they are used in other unit tests later on in the code.
def test__validate(self):
decoder = Validator()
slow_valid = Validator.validate(TestValidator.list_slow)
med_valid = Validator.validate(TestValidator.list_med)
fast_valid = Validator.validate(TestValidator.list_fast)
assert slow_valid == True
assert med_valid == False
assert fast_valid == False
What is the correct way to remove the multiple assert statements?
Do I defined multiple versions of test__validate
or are the multiple assert statements okay from a best practices position?
As proposed by @IanShelvington, the best practise for repeated tests with changed input (and result, in your case) is test parametrization. With pytest
, you could do something like this:
import pytest
@pytest.mark.parametrize("val_list, result",
[(TestValidator.list_slow, True),
(TestValidator.list_med, False),
(TestValidator.list_fast, False)])
def test_validate(val_list, result):
assert Validator().validate(val_list) == result
This gives you the output:
============================= test session starts =============================
collecting ... collected 3 items
param_result.py::test_validate[val_list0-True] PASSED [ 33%]
param_result.py::test_validate[val_list1-False] PASSED [ 66%]
param_result.py::test_validate[val_list2-False] PASSED [100%]
============================== 3 passed in 0.04s ==============================
As you can see, this creates 3 separate tests, with the parameters in the name, so a failing test can easily be identified.
If you want customized names of the shown tests, you can provide them using ids
@pytest.mark.parametrize("val_list, result",
[(TestValidator.list_slow, True),
(TestValidator.list_med, False),
(TestValidator.list_fast, False)],
ids=('slow', 'med', 'fast'))
This would output:
============================= test session starts =============================
param_result.py::test_validate[slow] PASSED [ 33%]
param_result.py::test_validate[med] PASSED [ 66%]
param_result.py::test_validate[fast] PASSED [100%]
============================== 3 passed in 0.06s ==============================