I would like understand the best practice for update foreign key with spring hateoas requests.
Is it best to use:
Url: "http://host/entity1/{{entity1_id}}/entity2"
Method: PUT
Body: "http://host/entity2/{{entity2_id}}"
ContentType: "text/uri-list"
Url: "http://host/entity1/{{entity1_id}}"
Method: PATCH
Body: {"entity2": "http://host/entity2/{{entity2_id}}"}
ContentType: "application/json"
Thank you all!
PUT is for idempotent change of the whole resource, so you have to put all the resource data. Top replace a resource you have to completely specify its characteristics.
PATCH allows partial resource changes, by incomplete data.
If your entity2 has more data, besides a link another entity, then PACTH is more applicable to change the foreign key only.
See in HTTP Methods sepcification.