I am using Websocket.Client
which is a wrapper around ClientWebSocket
, within its internals I can see WebSocketReceiveResult
and it is using it to detect the message contents result.MessageType == WebSocketMessageType.Text
Is there any way to force a web socker to only to receive binary messages (not do any conversion to string?), or is the data format specified by the server?
namespace Websocket.Client
// Summary:
// Received message, could be Text or Binary
public class ResponseMessage
// Summary:
// Received text message (only if type = WebSocketMessageType.Text)
public string Text { get; }
// Summary:
// Received text message (only if type = WebSocketMessageType.Binary)
public byte[] Binary { get; }
// Summary:
// Current message type (Text or Binary)
public WebSocketMessageType MessageType { get; }
// Summary:
// Create binary response message
public static ResponseMessage BinaryMessage(byte[] data);
// Summary:
// Create text response message
public static ResponseMessage TextMessage(string data);
// Summary:
// Return string info about the message
public override string ToString();
This feature was implemented by the author of Websocket.Client
within a few hours of posting on the github page... amazing!
using var client = new WebsocketClient()
IsTextMessageConversionEnabled = false