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How to find video adapter name with if-else statment use *.bat file

Can not figure out what is wrong, please help.

Main goal is look like this (pseudocode):

if(getCurrentVideoAdapterName().contains("List of video adapter names"))
print True
print false

But this need to be done in *.bat file, I am a new in this and this is my trys:

SET count=1
FOR /F "usebackq tokens=* skip=1" %%F IN (`wmic PATH Win32_videocontroller GET description`) DO (
  SET var!count!=%%F
  SET /a count=!count!+1
ECHO %var1%
ECHO %var2%
Findstr /c:%var1% listNameVideoAdapters.txt 
if %errorlevel%==0 (
echo "True")
if %errorlevel%==1 (
echo "Falsee!")

wmic PATH Win32_videocontroller GET description -return returns:

NVIDIA GeForce GT 720M
Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000

and listNameVideoAdapters.txt contains a list with different video card names (include my NVIDIA GeForce GT 720M )


  • no need for a for loop:

    wmic PATH Win32_videocontroller GET description |findstr /g:listNameVideoAdapters.txt >nul && echo True || echo False

    findstr /g gets the list of strings to search from a file (which you already have)