I have an old installation of "sdk-tools-linux-4333796.zip", located right inside my home directory at /home/myuser/sdk-tools-linux-4333796
I have unzipped the new SDK download in my home directory which creates the folder /home/myuser/tools
To make sure that the 2 installations do not interfere with each other I have commented out environment variables from my path and rebooted.
The problem: /home/myuser/tools/bin/sdkmanager --sdk_root=/home/myuser/tools --list
doesn't show my installed packages (I use "--sdk_root" due to a known bug).
I'm stuck on this since 2 days and would really appreciate someone at least confirming that behaviour by leaving a comment. I have searched through all related google results but there's absolutely noone reporting this.
I cannot believe it, I found the answer right here. Thank you so much Jing Li!
So basically what you have to do is put the "tools" folder that you get after unzipping inside a folder named "cmdline-tools" (how on earth would you know... !?). And then later the path to that "cmdline-tools" folder is your "--sdk_root" parameter. Keep in mind that I'm using "--sdk_root" due to a bug at the time (april 2020), hopefully soon all of this is not needed anymore. My installed packages are listed now.