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php deprecated warning is only if file changed

I intentionally set my error_reporting, so I see the E_DEPRECATED warnings while developing.

Now on some ocations those warnings are not shown: I successfully get the warning

Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; ... has a deprecated constructor

But only if the file time changed. If I reload the page, the warning is gone. If I touch the file again on the filesystem and then reload the page, it is there.

I know how to fix the error, but how do I turn this "feature" off?

What do I have to do to get the warning always?


  • Just don't install opcache in your docker image, so edit this line:

      docker-php-ext-install -j$(nproc) intl mysqli soap gd zip opcache && \

    to just

      docker-php-ext-install -j$(nproc) intl mysqli soap gd zip && \

    and rebuild the image.

    This will work for sure, but you probably can also edit the php.ini and disable opcache there