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Getting the version variable as a output in InSpec Report

I am using chef inspc to verify the the AMI Images created using packer to fit out standards. One of the requirement is checking the version difference between AMI images.

I have the following code which checks for ansible version 2.8.

control 'Ansible check' do
  impact 1.0
  title 'Check anisble is installed'
    describe package('ansible') do
      it { should be_installed }
      its('version') { should match (/2.8.*/) }

However I need to get the full version variable to check difference between AMIs. Ex 2.8.8

Is there a way to get the version variable outputted in the inspec report function or do I have to use another tools to do this?

Thanks in advance.


  • Using this post, I setuped a simple hack to write the version to a another text file using ruby.

    Below is my code.

    f ='versions.txt', 'a')
    control 'Ansible check' do
      impact 1.0
      title 'Check anisble is installed'
        describe package('ansible') do
          it { should be_installed }
          its('version') { should match (/2.8.*/) }
          f.write("ansible : ", packages('ansible').versions[0], "\n")

    The version file output as below

    # cat versions.txt
    ansible : 2.8.10+dfsg-1