I’m trying to create an basic architecture with Dagger 2 for my study project but I have encountered several problems with it…
The current error daggers tell me
FeedMeApplicationComponent.java:7: error: [Dagger/IncompatiblyScopedBindings] .FeedMeApplicationComponent (unscoped) may not reference scoped bindings:
I only have this problem when I add the ActivityMainModule
as a module of the application
and ActivityMainModule contains a sub component only related to the MainActivity.
I don’t understand why I cannot add this module of sub component to the Application Graph :confusing
Those are my Dagger classes…
class FeedMeApplication : DaggerApplication() {
override fun applicationInjector(): AndroidInjector<out DaggerApplication> {
return DaggerFeedMeApplicationComponent.factory().create(this)
@Component(modules = [AndroidInjectionModule::class, NetworkModule::class, NutritionModule::class, ActivityMainModule::class])
interface FeedMeApplicationComponent : AndroidInjector<FeedMeApplication> {
interface Factory {
fun create(@BindsInstance context: Context): FeedMeApplicationComponent
override fun inject(instance: FeedMeApplication?)
object NetworkModule {
fun provideNutritionService(retrofit: Retrofit): NutritionService {
return retrofit.create(NutritionService::class.java)
fun provideRetrofit(okHttpClient: OkHttpClient): Retrofit {
return Retrofit.Builder()
fun provideOkHttp(): OkHttpClient {
return OkHttpClient()
private class ApiInterceptor : Interceptor {
override fun intercept(chain: Interceptor.Chain): Response {
val request = chain.request().newBuilder()
.addHeader("api_id", “abc")
.addHeader("app_key", “123")
return chain.proceed(request.build())
object NutritionModule {
fun provideNutritionRepository(nutritionService: NutritionService): NutritionRepository {
return NutritionRepository(nutritionService)
@Module(subcomponents = [MainActivityComponent::class], includes = [MainModule::class])
abstract class ActivityMainModule {
abstract fun bindAndroidInjector(factory: MainActivityComponent.Factory): AndroidInjector.Factory<*>
object MainModule {
fun provideMainViewModelFactory(nutritionRepository: NutritionRepository): MainViewModel.Factory {
return MainViewModel.Factory(nutritionRepository)
fun provideMainViewModel(
viewModelFactory: MainViewModel.Factory,
fragmentActivity: FragmentActivity
): MainViewModel {
return ViewModelProviders.of(fragmentActivity, viewModelFactory)
interface MainActivityComponent : AndroidInjector<MainActivity> {
interface Factory : AndroidInjector.Factory<MainActivity> {}
class MainActivity : DaggerAppCompatActivity() {
lateinit var mainViewModel: MainViewModel
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
mainViewModel.liveDataFoodAnalysis.observe(this, Observer { food ->
Log.d("Food answer", food.uri)
You will have to annotate
with @Singleton
. because both NetworkModule
and NutritionModule
define @Provides
functions scoped with @Singleton
, any component that uses these modules must also specify its own scope as @Singleton
From Dagger docs: -
Since Dagger 2 associates scoped instances in the graph with instances of component implementations, the components themselves need to declare which scope they intend to represent. For example, it wouldn’t make any sense to have a @Singleton binding and a @RequestScoped binding in the same component because those scopes have different lifecycles and thus must live in components with different lifecycles. To declare that a component is associated with a given scope, simply apply the scope annotation to the component interface.