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Creating an interactive widget in Bokeh using TextInput to alter graph

I'm trying to understand how to create an interactive widget with Bokeh. The goal is to have the TextInput box change the x value in the code, and in turn alter the position of the dot on the graph.

If someone could help me out with an example and describe what I should be learning in order to achieve this would be greatly appreciated!

from bokeh.plotting import *
from bokeh.models import *
from import *
from bokeh.transform import *
from bokeh.layouts import *
import numpy as np

x = 1
y = 5

def x_funtion(x):
    x_value = x*4
    return x_value

number = x_funtion(x)

def handler(attr, old, new):
    global number
    number = x_funtion(new)
    return number

text_input = TextInput(value=str(x), title="x")
text_input.on_change("value", handler)

p =figure(),y)

curdoc().title = "Hello, world!"


  • There are different ways of handling that, but in the long run it's better to use a ColumnDataSource. In general, when you want to update something that's managed by Bokeh, you want to change already existing Bokeh models.

    from bokeh.layouts import *
    from bokeh.models import *
    from bokeh.plotting import *
    def x_function(x):
        x_value = x * 4
        return x_value
    x_init = 1
    ds = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=[x_function(x_init)], y=[5]))
    def handler(attr, old, new):
            new = int(new)
        except ValueError:
  ['x'] = [x_function(new)]
    text_input = TextInput(value=str(x_init), title="x")
    text_input.on_change("value", handler)
    p = figure()'x', 'y', source=ds)
    curdoc().title = "Hello, world!"
    curdoc().add_root(row(p, text_input))