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Transforming arrays in-place with parallel collections

When one has an array of objects it is often desirable (e.g. for performance reasons) to update (replace) some of the objects in place. For example, if you have an array of integers, you might want to replace the negative integers with positive ones:

// Faster for primitives
var i = 0
while (i < a.length) {
  if (a(i) < 0) a(i) = -a(i)
  i += 1

// Fine for objects, often okay for primitives
for (i <- a.indices) if (a(i) < 0) a(i) = -a(i)

What is the canonical way to perform a modification like this using the parallel collections library?


  • As far as parallel arrays are considered - it's an oversight. A parallel transform for parallel arrays will probably be included in the next release.

    You can, however, do it using a parallel range:

    for (i <- (0 until a.length).par) a(i) = computeSomething(i)

    Note that not all mutable collections are modifiable in place this way. In general, if you wish to modify something in place, you have to make sure it's properly synchronized. This is not a problem for arrays in this case, since different indices will modify different array elements (and the changes are visible to the caller at the end, since the completion of a parallel operation guarantees that all writes become visible to the caller).