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Google Charts Treemap Tooltip not working

Somebody can help me, why tooltip is not visible?. I tried with "tooltip: {isHtml: true}" but is not working. Any help appreciate.

   google.charts.load('current', {'packages':['treemap']});

   function drawChart() {
     var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
       ['Customer', 'Region', 'Sales', 'Score'],
       ['America',   null,         0,        0],
       ['Apple',     'America',    0,        0],
       ['VW',        'America',    0,        0],
       ['Costco',    'America',    0,        0],
       ['Amazon',    'America',    0,        0],

       ['1-Apple',   'Apple',      115.5,    0.70],
       ['2-Apple',   'Apple',      115.5,    0.70],
       ['3-Apple',   'Apple',      52.5,     0.70],
       ['1-VW',      'VW',         49,       0.45],
       ['2-VW',      'VW',         9.4,      0.39],
       ['3-VW',      'VW',         7.4,      0.35]
       ['1-Costco',  'Costco',     5.2,      0.3],
       ['1-Amazon',  'Amazon',     4.8,      0.3],

     var options = {
        headerColor: '#dfe4e9',
        highlightOnMouseOver: true,
        maxDepth: 1,
        maxPostDepth: 4,
        minHighlightColor: '#FF8B30',
        midHighlightColor: '#FFC03C',
        maxHighlightColor: '#FFE730',
        minColor: '#29ECB4',
        midColor: '#00ACED',
        maxColor: '#09F6A9',
        headerHeight: 25,
        showScale: false,
        useWeightedAverageForAggregation: true,
        showTooltips: true,
        generateTooltip: showFullTooltip

      var tree = new google.visualization.TreeMap(document.getElementById('grph'));
      tree.draw(data, options);

This is the function for the tooltip:

function showFullTooltip(row, size, value) {
      '<div style="z-index:1000000; background:#9daab6; padding:10px;">' +
      '<span><b>' + dataT.getValue(row, 0) + '</b>, ' + dataT.getValue(row, 1) + 
      ', ' + dataT.getValue(row, 2) + ', ' + dataT.getValue(row, 3) + '</span>' + 
      '<br>' +
      'Datatable row: ' + row + 
      '<br>' +
      dataT.getColumnLabel(2) + ' Sales: ' + size + 
      '<br>' +
      dataT.getColumnLabel(3) + ': ' + value + 
      ' </div>';

idk if the problem are the float numbers, however is "number" value and seems accepted in config.


  • only thing I could determine, was that the first line of the html string,
    needs to be on the same line as the return statement...

    return '<div style="z-index:1000000; background:#9daab6; padding:10px;">' +

    vs. the following line...

      '<div style="z-index:1000000; background:#9daab6; padding:10px;">' +

    see following working snippet...

    google.charts.load('current', {
      packages: ['treemap']
    function drawChart() {
      var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
       ['Customer', 'Region', 'Sales', 'Score'],
       ['America',   null,         0,        0],
       ['Apple',     'America',    0,        0],
       ['VW',        'America',    0,        0],
       ['Costco',    'America',    0,        0],
       ['Amazon',    'America',    0,        0],
       ['1-Apple',   'Apple',      115.5,    0.70],
       ['2-Apple',   'Apple',      115.5,    0.70],
       ['3-Apple',   'Apple',      52.5,     0.70],
       ['1-VW',      'VW',         49,       0.45],
       ['2-VW',      'VW',         9.4,      0.39],
       ['3-VW',      'VW',         7.4,      0.35],
       ['1-Costco',  'Costco',     5.2,      0.3],
       ['1-Amazon',  'Amazon',     4.8,      0.3],
      var options = {
        headerColor: '#dfe4e9',
        highlightOnMouseOver: true,
        maxDepth: 1,
        maxPostDepth: 4,
        minHighlightColor: '#FF8B30',
        midHighlightColor: '#FFC03C',
        maxHighlightColor: '#FFE730',
        minColor: '#29ECB4',
        midColor: '#00ACED',
        maxColor: '#09F6A9',
        headerHeight: 25,
        showScale: false,
        useWeightedAverageForAggregation: true,
        showTooltips: true,
        generateTooltip: showFullTooltip
      var tree = new google.visualization.TreeMap(document.getElementById('grph'));
      tree.draw(data, options);
      function showFullTooltip(row, size, value) {
       return '<div style="z-index:1000000; background:#9daab6; padding:10px;">' +
          '<span><b>' + data.getValue(row, 0) + '</b>, ' + data.getValue(row, 1) + 
          ', ' + data.getValue(row, 2) + ', ' + data.getValue(row, 3) + '</span>' + 
          '<br>' +
          'Datatable row: ' + row + 
          '<br>' +
          data.getColumnLabel(2) + ' Sales: ' + size + 
          '<br>' +
          data.getColumnLabel(3) + ': ' + value + 
          ' </div>';
    <script src=""></script>
    <div id="grph"></div>

    notes: if you're using the jsapi loader, it isn't needed, see above snippet...
    and there is a missing comma after the following data...

    ['3-VW',      'VW',         7.4,      0.35]

    but probably only in the snippet, not your code, or it wouldn't run...