the deduction fails in the first line in the main function, how to solve that without adding additional template parameters
#include <iostream>
template <typename T>
class myVec{
size_t _size{};
size_t capacity{};
T* data{};
myVec(size_t size = 0, T value = T{}):_size{size}, capacity{2 * _size}{
data = new T[capacity];
for(size_t index{}; index < _size; index++)
data[ index ] = T{};
template <typename ... Ts>
myVec( Ts&& ... vals):myVec{ sizeof...(vals)}{
size_t index{};
((data [ ++index ] = vals),...);
delete[] data;
size_t size( ){
return _size;
/*the rest */
int main(){
myVec vec {1, 32, 5, 6};
for(size_t index{}; index < vec.size(); ++index )
std::cout << vec[ index ] << " ";
Class templates are only able to implicitly deduce the class template argument if it matches a constructor exactly, e.g.:
template <typename T>
class myVec
myVec(int, T); // T can be deduced since it's from the class template
myVec(5,5); // deduces myVec<int>
On the other hand, types from a constructor template do not participate in the deduction directly -- since the deduced types may not necessarily be the same type as the class template:
template <typename T>
class myVec
template <typename U>
myVec(int, U); // U may not be the same as T!
template <typename...Ts>
myVec(Ts&&...); // All 'Ts' types may not be the same as 'T'
The way to work around this is with user-defined deduction guides. These allow you to defined what type is deduced when faced with otherwise ambiguous constructor expressions. In your case, you are probably looking for something like:
template <typename...Ts>
myVec(Ts...) -> myVec<std::common_type_t<Ts...>>;
Note: std::common_type_t
is used to get the common type of all the variadic types. It is defined in the <type_traits>