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Regex for finding HTML classes with JSOUP

For my project I need to parse HTML and get the price of a product. This is how I am doing it at the moment:

let url = ""
let className = "gl-price__value"

do {
    let html: String = getHTMLfromURL(url: url)
    let doc: Document = try SwiftSoup.parse(html)

    let price: Elements = try doc.getElementsByClass(className)

    let priceText : String = try price.text()

    result.text = priceText

} catch Exception.Error(let type, let message) {
} catch {


How can I change className to a regex so all 3 examples below would match? Ive tried several possibilities now but can not make it work. Happy for every help!

Example 1:

<div class="price">82 EUR</div>

Example 2:

<span class="gl-price__value">€ 139,95</span>

Example 3:

<span id="priceblock_ourprice" class="a-size-medium a-color-price priceBlockBuyingPriceString">79,99&nbsp;€</span>


  • Maybe getElementsByClass is not the best way to go. From SwiftSoup Readme - Use selector syntax to find elements

    SwiftSoup elements support a CSS (or jQuery) like selector syntax to find matching elements, that allows very powerful and robust queries.

    [attr~=regex]: elements with attribute values that match the regular expression; e.g. img[src~=(?i)\.(png|jpe?g)]

    Your code would became something similar to:

    let doc: Document = try SwiftSoup.parse(html)
    let priceClasses: Elements = try"[class~=(?i)price]")
    for priceClass: Element in priceClasses.array() {
        let priceText : String = try priceClass.text()

    I'm using price here as the regex based on the examples you have provided, but you can adapt as you need.