I've been using Python's schedule
module to schedule overlapping tasks that don't block each other; however, the recommended way to achieve non-blocking behavior is by using python's threading
module (which of course, is vulnerable to the GIL).
Quoting from the schedule module's docs:
import threading
import time
import schedule
def job():
print("I'm running on thread %s" % threading.current_thread())
def run_threaded(job_func):
job_thread = threading.Thread(target=job_func)
schedule.every(1).seconds.do(run_threaded, job)
schedule.every(2).seconds.do(run_threaded, job)
schedule.every(3).seconds.do(run_threaded, job)
schedule.every(4).seconds.do(run_threaded, job)
schedule.every(5).seconds.do(run_threaded, job)
while 1:
How do we schedule and execute tasks without worrying about the GIL?
How do we schedule and execute tasks without worrying about the GIL?
One relatively simple way to solve this problem is to use the multiprocessing module... this gives us cron-like behavior without worrying about GIL issues...
Avoiding GIL issues with multiprocessing is nothing innovative... I'm just documenting here in hopes of helping future googlers...
from multiprocessing import Process
from datetime import datetime
import time
from schedule import Scheduler
class MPScheduler(Scheduler):
def __init__(self, args=None, kwargs=None):
if args is None:
args = ()
if kwargs is None:
kwargs = {}
super(MPScheduler, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# Among other things, this object inherits self.jobs (a list of jobs)
self.args = args
self.kwargs = kwargs
self.processes = list()
def _mp_run_job(self, job_func):
"""Spawn another process to run the job; multiprocessing avoids GIL issues"""
job_process = Process(target=job_func, args=self.args,
job_process.daemon = True
def run_pending(self):
"""Run any jobs which are ready"""
runnable_jobs = (job_obj for job_obj in self.jobs if job_obj.should_run)
for job_obj in sorted(runnable_jobs):
job_obj.last_run = datetime.now() # Housekeeping
job_obj._schedule_next_run() # Schedule the next execution datetime
def _retire_finished_processes(self):
"""Walk the list of processes and retire finished processes"""
retirement_list = list() # List of process objects to remove
for idx, process in enumerate(self.processes):
if process.is_alive():
# wait a short time for process to finish
## Retire finished processes
for process_idx in sorted(retirement_list, reverse=True):
def job(id, hungry=True):
print("{} running {} and hungry={}".format(datetime.now(), id, hungry))
time.sleep(10) # This job runs without blocking execution of other jobs
if __name__=='__main__':
# Build a schedule of overlapping jobs...
mp_sched = MPScheduler()
mp_sched.every(1).seconds.do(job, id=1, hungry=False)
mp_sched.every(2).seconds.do(job, id=2)
mp_sched.every(3).seconds.do(job, id=3)
mp_sched.every(4).seconds.do(job, id=4)
mp_sched.every(5).seconds.do(job, id=5)
while True: