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Get the name of a factory function when passed with parameters (weird)

Okay, so I have a problem.

SHORT VERSION: I want to do this:

const createThing = function( behaviours(intensities) ){
    return {
       behaviour1: behaviour1(intensity1),
       behaviour2: behaviour2(intensity2)
       and so on for each behaviour(intensity) passed as an argument

//so when doing:

const wtf = createThing( cat(loud), dog(whereistheball), bird(dee) );

// wtf should be:

   cat: cat(loud),
   dog: dog(whereistheball),
   bird: bird(dee)

I've tryied among other things something like this:

const createThing = function( behaviours(intensities) ){
        return {
           for(a in arguments){
              []: a; 

I've been trying a lot of different ways to do this on the past week with no success. Can anyone help me?

LONG VERSION: Okay so I have a magnet behaviour factory function and a particle factory function, it looks like this

const magnet = funtion(intensity) {
   // returns a magnetic object with that intensity

const createParticle = function( location, static or dynamic, behaviours ){
  // returns a particle object with the properties and behaviours listed above

The problem is I can't get the behaviours part to work. By now I have a magnetic behaviour factory, but I also want to have an eletrical, gravitacional, random etc. I want the particle object to get the behavior name as a new property key and the object it creates as this property value when this behaviour is passed as an argument to the particle factory function, something like this:

const particle1 = createParticle ( location, dynamic, magnet(intensity) )

//should return
   magnet: magnet(intensity)

or even

const particle2 = createParticle ( location, dynamic, magnet(intensity), eletric(intensity) )

//should return
   magnet: magnet(intensity),
   eletric: eletric(intensity)

and so on.

I tried using the method, but it is not possible since when I pass the behaviour function as a parameter to the particle, it evaluates into an object. I tried using a callback function and then using but it doesn't do anything since I still need to pass the behavior function along with its parameters to the particle factory.

Is it even possible??? How???


  • No, this is not possible. Not unless cat/dog/bird/magnet/eletric all return an object that contains the name of the respective factory.

    In particular:

    function createParticle(...args) {
        const particle = { kind: 'particle' };
        for (const element of args)
            particle[element.kind] = element;
        return particle;

    If you are using classes/constructors+prototypes, you can of course use the implicit instead of the .kind property that I chose in the example above.