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Enable SSRS My Reports using Express edition

Is there a way to enable the “My Reports” feature in SQL Server Reporting Services 2008 when I am using SQL Server 2008 Express edition with Advanced Services?

As I am using Express edition, I cannot connect SQL Server Management Studio to Reporting Services: -

"SQL Server Management Studio Express cannot be used to administer a report server".

I am using the Report Manager Browser interface for SSRS administration. The option to enable “My Reports” appears not to be in Report Manager for SSRS 2008 so is there another way to enable this option, command line maybe?


  • This is, honestly, a guess as I don't have SQL 2008 Express to test this on - but it definitely works on SQL 2005 standard.

    I think you can configure the property using rs.exe

    Create a text file (I'm assuming you'll call it myReportsEnable.rss) and add the following text to it:

    Public Overridable Sub Main()
    End Sub
    Private Sub SetSystemProperties()
        Dim Properties(0) As Microsoft.SqlServer.ReportingServices2008.[Property]
        Properties(0) = New Microsoft.SqlServer.ReportingServices2008.[Property]
        Properties(0).Name = "EnableMyReports"
        Properties(0).Value = "True"
    End Sub

    (I'm getting this from SQL2005, so I'm assuming that Microsoft.SqlServer.ReportingServices2008 is the right type to use - apologies if it's not)

    Save the file, then execute it from a command line using rs.exe:

    rs -i myReportsEnable.rss -s http://~YourServerName~/reportserver