I have ansible playbook which does 3 things:
a) Start up a flask server
b) Waits for 10 seconds for it to start
c) Checks if the PID is running
- name: "execute script to start flask"
shell: nohup python main.py &
chdir: /home/ubuntu/flask
executable: /bin/bash
- pause: seconds=10
- name: "verify that the server has started"
command: ?????
Manually I do this to get PID
pgrep -f /'main.py'
Which returns a PID lets say...
How do I do step(c) in ansible playbook, and to make sure if PID is not found, task will fail?
I would not work with pause, it slows down your playbook unnecessarily. You could simply work with the pids
Ansible-Module and until
Pids: https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/pids_module.html
Example checking every 5 seconds for 10 retries, if the Pid from main.py
is not available then, the playbook will fail.
- hosts: localhost
- name: check the pid of main.py
name: main.py
register: pid
until: pid.pids | length > 0
delay: 5
retries: 10
- debug: var=pid