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How to speed up selenium tests on AWS device farm?

I'm using Python for testing on AWS device farm. It seems that starting a selenium takes very very long. This is the code I use:

from time import time

from boto3 import client
from selenium import webdriver

def main():
    start = time()

    device_farm_client = client("devicefarm", region_name='us-west-2')

    test_grid_url_response = device_farm_client.create_test_grid_url(

    driver = webdriver.Remote(

    print(f"Your IP is: {driver.find_element_by_tag_name('pre').text}")


    print(f"took: {time() - start:.2f}")

if __name__ == '__main__':


Your IP is:
took: 99.89s

Using existing selenium-hub infrastructure the IP is obtained in less than 2 seconds!

Is there any way how to reduce the time radically?


  • To reduce the overall execution time for complete test suite execution take advantage of the 50 concurrent sessions given you by default at no cost. Check this link. For eg:

    Lets assume following details

    • one test Suite has 200 Selenium test cases
    • each test case takes around 10 seconds to execute
    • One AWS Device Farm Selenium Session takes around 60 seconds to start

    then I will divide my 200 test cases into 50 concurrent sessions by running concurrent batches of 4 test cases per session.

    Total Execution Time = (60 seconds to start each session + 10 seconds to start all 50 concurrent sessions with rate of 5 sessions per second + 4*10 seconds to execute the test cases in each session) = 60+10+40 = 110 seconds to finish complete test suite execution


    If you are existing selenium-hub infrastructure and lets say following details are assumed

    • 200 Selenium test cases to execute
    • 2 seconds to start a session
    • assume at max you can run 10 concurrent sessions

    Total Execution Time = 2 seconds to start each session + 20*10 seconds to execute the test cases in each session = 200+2 = 202 seconds to finish complete test suite execution