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Running Cypress through CircleCi

Cypress has been running great locally. When I try running it in the circle-ci pipeline then it has a number of issues. First, here is the relevant part of my workflow:

  cypress: cypress-io/cypress@1.19.2
  version: 2.1
      - cypress/install:
          install-command: 'npm install --no-optional --unsafe-perm'

      - cypress/run:
            - cypress/install
          start: 'lerna run start --parallel'

When I view the operations in circle-ci, it successfully compiled but immediately cancels

project/applicable-folder: ℹ 「wdm」: Compiled successfully.

Build was canceled

and in the build process I notice this line

project/applicable-folder: Failed to load /root/project/.env.

The .env is absolutely there.

npx cypress run does run after this but all of the tests fail since even the test for cy.visit('/'); fails.

Why is the env file not successfully accessed? Am I missing a step that allows for this to run? Am I even supposed to allow it to run? I am uncertain about how to proceed.

I have also tried to use the build instead of start but this does not work any better.

I have also used a manual strategy:

test:e2e: docker: - image: docker-image steps: - checkout - restore_cache: keys: - v2-deps-{{ .Branch }}-{{ checksum "package-lock.json" }} - v2-deps-{{ .Branch }}- - v2-deps- - run: npm ci - save_cache: key: v2-deps-{{ .Branch }}-{{ checksum "package-lock.json" }} paths: - ~/.npm - ~/.cache - run: name: Run user acceptance tests command: npm run cy:run

This will result in a requirement for Xvfb to be installed.

Will this mean that it should work provided that that is installed? I would rather have the orb version work.

EDIT: I tried out the library start-server-and-test.

scripts are as follows

"cy:pipeline": "start-server-and-test up http-get://localhost:8080 cy:run"
"cy:run": "cypress run --headless --record"
"up": "lerna run start --parallel"

The new cypress/run

  - cypress/run:
        - cypress/install
      record: true
      command: 'npm run cy:pipeline'

But I have been receiving the same errors,


  • The solution was simple.

    All I had to do was move the install-command from cypress/install to cypress/run.

      - cypress/install
      - cypress/run:
            - cypress/install
          start: 'lerna run start --parallel'
          install-command: 'npm install --no-optional --unsafe-perm'