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React-Static scroll to top on page change

Is there a way to scroll to the top when the page change with react-static ? I'm using @reach/router which is include by default with react-static.

I've already tried this :

<Router onChange={window.scrollTo(0,0)}>
   <Routes path="*"/>

ans this (from this issue)

<Router history={history} autoScrollToTop={true}>
   <Routes path="*"/>

but both did not work.

The last solution was mentionned in the react-static doc but seems to be deprecate since it is not longer in the doc.


  • You need to create a new component Scrolltotop.js

    import { useEffect } from 'react'
    import { useLocation } from '@reach/router'
    export default function Scrolltotop () {
      const { pathname } = useLocation()
      useEffect(() => {
        window.scrollTo(0, 0)
      }, [pathname])
      return null

    and import it to App.js

    import Scrolltotop from './components/Scrolltotop'

    and add it to the App function :

    function App () {
      return (
            <Routes path="*"/>