I want to load a set of data that contains variables type string and float. But when I use textscan in octave, my data doesn't load. I got matrix 1x6 (i have 6 features), but in this matrix I got cells that contains nothing(cells that are 0x1). my code:
fileID = fopen(filename,'r');
data = textscan(fileID,'%f %s %s %f %f %s','Delimiter',',');
when I for example try data(1):
>> data(1)
ans =
[1,1] = [](0x1)
Also my file id isn't -1.
I had been searching for in the ethernet problem like this but I couldn't find any. I tried to delete headers in data and smaller training set but it don't work. Pls help.
Don't use textscan. Textscan is horrible, and one should only use it when they're trying to parse data when there's no better way available.
Your data is a standard csv file. Just use csv2cell
from the io