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Converting type inside quote! gives trait errors

I get this error:

the trait quote::to_tokens::ToTokens is not implemented for proc_macro::Ident

when I try to run this code:

pub fn between(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    let idents = input
        .map(|i| match i {
            TokenTree::Ident(b) => {
            _ => panic!()

    let new_token_stream = quote! {


This is how I want to use it:

fn main() {
    let a = 1;
    let b = 2;

    // Expand to (a, b);
    between!(a, b);

I also have a small project which holds above code: Why can't I transform a Ident inside tokens? I tried using parse, into but that didn't worked out for me. Thanks!


  • syn and quote are built against the alternative implementation of proc_macro, namely proc_macro2. If you want to use them, you should first convert your proc_macro::TokenStream into proc_macro2::TokenStream, make any operations necessary, and at the end convert back. Both these conversion can be made using From/Into, since they are implemented in both directions.