I am using lukasjapan/koreander library along with its ktor-support version, and when I call ViewModel(Res class) topbar variable from in kor file, it escapes the html String.
This is how I'm calling ktor to serve web-pages:
suspend fun main() = coroutineScope<Unit> {
System.setProperty(SimpleLogger.DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL_KEY, "TRACE")
port = 80,
module = Application::module
).apply { start(wait = true) }
data class Res(val topbar: String)
fun Application.module() {
routing {
get("/") {
val text = javaClass.getResource("/templates/topbar.kor").readText()
val resource = Res(Koreander().render(text, Any()))
call.respondKorRes("/templates/index.kor", resource)
This is my topbar.kor file: This is just for testing so i make it just small.
This is my index.kor file:
%p.hello Hello World!
$topbar / <- problem here, this has escaped html, browser interpret it as text
This is what rendered on the browser:
How do I unescape the html here so that browser interpret it as a valid html and render it on there?
I got answer from David Eriksson @ official kotlinlang-slack
We can use :unsafehtml
filter to effectively bypass HTML escaping:
%p.hello Hello World!
:unsafehtml $topbar