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Can I use two different look and feels in the same Swing application?

I'm using the Flamingo ribbon and the Substance Office 2007 look and feel.

Of course now every control has this look and feel, even those on dialog boxes.

What I want is something like in Office 2007, where the ribbons have their Office 2007 look, but other controls keep their native Vista/XP look.

Is it possible to assign certain controls a different look and feel? Perhaps using some kind of chaining or a proxy look and feel?


  • I just discovered: Since Substance 5.0 the SKIN_PROPERTY is available.

    It allows assigning different skins to different JRootPanes (i.e. JDialog, JFrame, JInternalFrame)

    A little trick: I override JInternalFrame to remove the extra border and the title pane so that it looks just like a borderless panel. That way it is possible to create the impression, that different parts of a form/dialog have different looks.