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Use heatmaply to create heatmap with raw values/data without transformations?

When creating a heatmap with heatmaply::heatmaply(), some transforms are performed on the raw data. This is evident in the following example where some of the iris dataset is provided, yet hovering over the heatmap shows some negative values (which weren't in the original data provided to heatmaply()), and the colorbar on the side also shows negative values as well.

mat <- iris[1:20, 1:4] %>% as.matrix
p <- heatmaply(mat, 
                   dendrogram = "none",
                   xlab = "", ylab = "", 
                   main = "",
                   scale = "column",
                   margins = c(60,100,40,20),
                   grid_color = "white",
                   grid_width = 0.00001,
                   titleX = FALSE,
                   hide_colorbar = FALSE,
                   branches_lwd = 0.1,
                   label_names = c("Country", "Feature:", "Value"),
                   fontsize_row = 5, fontsize_col = 5,
                   labCol = colnames(mat),
                   labRow = rownames(mat),
                   heatmap_layers = theme(axis.line=element_blank()),
                   colors = rev(c("000000", heat.colors(30)[1:28]))


Different scale to iris[1:20, 1:4]:


How can heatmaply::heatmaply() be made to generate a heatmap based purely on the raw values provided (no transformations)?

Note: open to using other packages/functions/suggestions


  • Remove the scale argument - the default is "none". Or change it to "none".

              dendrogram = "none",
              xlab = "", ylab = "", 
              main = "",
              # scale = "column",  # <-- remove this line. Or change to "none"
              margins = c(60,100,40,20), ...

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