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How can i make a calculation in pandas on a specific column if the dataframe is multi-index?

So I have a multi index df which is organized by date (first level) and equity (second level) and then for each equity, there is a price for that equity at that date. The df looks like this:

df]([![enter image description here]1

Now the dates go from 2019 all the way to 2020.

the calculation I want to make is on the closing_price column, and the basic calculation is as follows: (todays closing price / closing price 5 days ago) * 100

what would be a computationally efficient way of making this calculation? ive thought about using a for loop but there are over 200,000 entries so I know that would take forever.

thanks for any help you may provide.


  • With index levels called 'date' and 'equity':

    import datetime as dt 
    import functools as ft
    import numpy as np
    the_dates = [, - dt.timedelta(days=5)]
         apply(lambda x: ft.reduce(np.divide,x) * 100) 

    You may need to re-sort your DataFrame if the operands need to be reversed.