I have a config file. It has variables stored in the following manner.
As you can see it has 2 sections general and env. Section env uses the variables from section general.
So I want to read this file into a variable. Let's say config. Here's I want config object to look like:
general: {
webapp: '/var/www',
data: '/home/data'
env: {
WEBAPP_DEPLOY: '/var/www/storage/deploy',
SYSTEM_DEPLOY: '/home/data/deploy'
I general I am looking for a config parser for nodejs that supports string interpolation.
I would assume most ini libraries don't include the variable expansion functionality, but with lodash primitives a generic "deep object replacer" isn't too complex.
I've switched the :
delimiter for .
so has and get can lookup values directly.
const { get, has, isPlainObject, reduce } = require('lodash')
// Match all tokens like `${a.b}` and capture the variable path inside the parens
const re_token = /\${([\w$][\w\.$]*?)}/g
// If a string includes a token and the token exists in the object, replace it
function tokenReplace(value, key, object){
if (!value || !value.replace) return value
return value.replace(re_token, (match_string, token_path) => {
if (has(object, token_path)) return get(object, token_path)
return match_string
// Deep clone any plain objects and strings, replacing tokens
function plainObjectReplacer(node, object = node){
return reduce(node, (result, value, key) => {
result[key] = (isPlainObject(value))
? plainObjectReplacer(value, object)
: tokenReplace(value, key, object)
return result
}, {})
> plainObjectReplacer({ a: { b: { c: 1 }}, d: 'wat', e: '${d}${a.b.c}' })
{ a: { b: { c: 1 } }, d: 'wat', e: 'wat1' }
You'll find most config management tools (like ansible) can do this sort of variable expansion for you before app runtime, at deployment.