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Is it possible to use JavaScript and JQuery at the same time?

Question provoked as I wondered if I can just declare $(document).ready() at the top of <script> and write regular vanilla JS inside of it so that I don't have to declare $(document).ready() everytime I use JQuery.

I also tested if JQuery can be used with JS locally (inside of '{}'). But it seems like below code doesn't work.

Can someone clarify on this please? Thank you.


#demoDiv {
    width: 200px;
    height: 200px;
    border: 2px brown solid;


<div id='demoDiv'></div>
<button id='testButton' onclick='testFunc()'>Test</button>


$(document).ready(function() {

function testFunc() {
    $('#demoDiv').style.display = 'none';




  • jQuery is a JavaScript library, so you can use jQuery with any other JavaScript functions.

    Your particular example doesn't work for two reasons.

    First, because .style is a property of DOM objects and not jQuery objects.

    You could extract a DOM object from the jQuery object:

    $('#demoDiv')[0].style.display = 'none';

    Or just consistently use the jQuery API:

    $('#demoDiv').css("display", "none");

    Second, because testFunc is not a global so is out of scope for your inline event handler.

    Use $('#testButton').on('click', testFunc) instead.