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QObject::connect: No such signal eror C++

I'm stuck with an error and i have no idea where I am going wrong i tried running the signal with qapp aswell just to make sure it isn't the signal, and that was all fine. I have the SLOT declared as a public slot in my header file.

signal declaration:

void editPolygon(QVector <QPointF> points, QPolygonF &);

this is my connect:

  connect(this, SIGNAL(editPolygon(QVector <QPointF> &, QPolygonF &)), parent, SLOT(editPolygon(QVector <QPointF> points, CustomPolygon *poly)));

this is my slot thats emmiting the signal:

void CustomPolygon::editPolygons()
    QVector<QPointF> points;
    QPolygonF poly = mapToScene(polygon());

    emit editPolygon(points,poly);

and this is the void in mainwindow.cpp:

void MainWindow::editPolygon(QVector<QPointF> &points, CustomPolygon *poly)

thanks for you help in advance!


  • The first thing I would do is look very hard at the discrepancy in the second parameter of your signal/slot match.

    One is QPolygon& and the other is CustomPolygon*. My understanding is that these had to match. Even if one were a proper subclass of the other, I don't think you can mix references and pointers like that.

    And,regarding your (slightly paraphrased) comment:

    My slot has to stay as a pointer because it points to an item that is being deleted from a QGraphicsScene.

    My signal cant be a pointer because there is no conversion from a QPolygonF to a QPolygonF *, and I require QPolygonF to mapToScene.

    I think I understand what you're saying, and there are a couple of issues.

    If your slot takes a pointer that will be freed, you have to give it a pointer, and relinquish control of the object behind it (so either start with a dynamically allocated copy you're willing to let go of, or make a dynamically allocated copy from something you don't want to let go of).

    And I'm not sure why you think there's no conversion from the object to a pointer to that object. I suppose that's technically true since the class itself doesn't provide a conversion, but this is really part of the base language:

    Type thing;
    Type *pointerToThing = &thing;

    Both those issues should be solvable with something like:

    QVector<QPointF> points;
    QPolygonF thisIsMyPoly = mapToScene(polygon());
    QploygonF *thisIsPolyForFreeing = new QPolygonF(thisIsMyPoly);
    emit editPolygon(points, thisIsPolyForFreeing);

    Your signal will still have to be changed to use a pointer rather than a reference and, hopefully, that will alleviate the mismatch.

    If your pointer is an actual pointer to a QPolygonF that cannot be copied (because it's the pointer to the actual item being held in the QGraphicsScene and you therefore need the original pointer to remove it), I think you should just be able to pass that pointer as-is, assuming mapToScene() is returning a reference to it rather than a copy:

    QPolygonF poly = mapToScene(polygon()); // get ref.
    emit editPolygon(points, &poly);        // pass ref's address.