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Gatsby/Reach Router 404 but page renders

Building locally there is no issue, and the end user would not see any issue on a production build unless looking at the network tab. First page request 404's and then the page renders as expected.

Expected functionality

Render Dept Page component


Render PLP Page component


Render PDP template, item name is key for content out of ContentStack, query params pull product data from separate product API


This all works except the initial 404 before the page renders.

Issue only present for pages behind the /shop/ route. All other site pages, routes, templates work without issue. Appreciate any suggestions.

In src/gatsby-node.js I've got

exports.onCreatePage = async ({ page, actions }) => {
  const { createPage } = actions;
    if (page.path === '/shop/') {
      page.matchPath = '/shop/*';

exports.createPages = async ({ actions, graphql }) => {
const { createPage } = actions;
const pdpTemp = path.resolve("src/templates/pdp/index.js");

try {
    const result = await graphql(`
            pdp: allContentstackPdp {
                edges {
                    node {

    let node;

    // PDP Pages
    for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {
        node =[i].node;
        await createPage({
            path: node.url,
            component: pdpTemp,
            context: {

catch (err) {
    throw new Error(err);

I've got a page with the following routing, src/pages/shop/index.js

render() {
return (
        {/* Department Pages */}
        <DEPT path='/shop/' />
        <DEPT path='/shop/category-1/' />
        <DEPT path='/shop/category-2/' />
        <DEPT path='/shop/category-3/' />
        {/* PLP Pages */}
        <PLP path='/shop/category-1/*' />
        <PLP path='/shop/category-2/*' />
        <PLP path='/shop/category-3/*' />

And a template that is also affected by this issue src/templates/pdp/index.js


  • The solution for us was to add 301 rewrites into AWS.