So I followed the Amethyst Pong tutorial and am now building a little Game of Life program. It works fine if I run it with cargo run
but if I do cargo build
and then run
$ .\target\debug\game_of_life.exe
I get the error:
Error: Error { inner: Inner { source: None, backtrace: None, error: ConfigError(File(Os { code: 3, kind: NotFound, message: "The system cannot find the path specified." })) } }
If it was not already clear I am on Windows 10. I also created a blank rust project and tried running the executable of that and it worked fine:
$ cargo new temp
$ cd temp
$ cargo build
$ .\target\debug\temp.exe
Hello, world!
steps to reproduce (must have cargo and vulkan installed):
$ cargo install amethyst_tools
$ amethyst new temp
$ cd temp
$ cargo build
$ .\target\debug\temp.exe
Error: Error { inner: Inner { source: None, backtrace: None, error: ConfigError(File(Os { code: 3, kind: NotFound, message: "The system cannot find the path specified." })) } }
note that this:
$ amethyst new temp
$ cd temp
$ cargo run
works fine
$ amethyst --version
Amethyst CLI 0.10.0
$ cargo --version
cargo 1.43.0 (3532cf738 2020-03-17)
Any ideas or any more information I should provide?
Your main function calls application_root_dir which is part of Amethyst.
The definition of application_root_dir shows that it is either using CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR
or the location of your executable as your root path (which is later used to find assets and configuration). When you invoke cargo run
to the directory of the currently built crate's Cargo.toml, whereas if you invoke the binary directly CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR
does not get set at all (so it will try to use .\target\debug
as the base-path to find configs/assets).
You can either copy the binary to the location of your Cargo.toml
manually, and then you should be able to execute your binary directly.