[This question is about ngrx-forms]
Question 1.
Imagine that this is my reducer.ts
import { Action, combineReducers } from '@ngrx/store';
import { createFormGroupState, formGroupReducer, FormGroupState } from 'ngrx-forms';
import { State as RootState } from '../app.reducer';
export interface FormValue {
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
email: string;
sex: string;
favoriteColor: string;
employed: boolean;
notes: string;
export interface State extends RootState {
simpleForm: {
formState: FormGroupState<FormValue>;
export class SetSubmittedValueAction implements Action {
static readonly TYPE = 'simpleForm/SET_SUBMITTED_VALUE';
readonly type = SetSubmittedValueAction.TYPE;
constructor(public formValue: FormValue) { }
export const FORM_ID = 'simpleForm';
export const INITIAL_STATE = createFormGroupState<FormValue>(FORM_ID, {
firstName: '',
lastName: '',
email: '',
sex: '',
favoriteColor: '',
employed: false,
notes: '',
const reducers = combineReducers<State['simpleForm'], any>({
formState(s = INITIAL_STATE, a: Action) {
return formGroupReducer(s, a);
export function reducer(s: State['simpleForm'], a: Action) {
return reducers(s, a);
& each field is connected to ngrx-forms state via
//template html
[ngrxFormControlState]="(formState$ | async).controls.firstName"
[ngrxFormControlState]="(formState$ | async).controls.lastName"
[ngrxFormControlState]="(formState$ | async).controls.email"
How can I add a debounceTime() and distinctUntillChanged() or any other rxjs operators for each of the form fields before the values reaches the store (or leaves)?
with angular's native form-builder we can pipe the valueChanges property:
How can we achieve something similar with ngrx-forms
Remember that the state doesnot contain any custom actions We are dealing with the native ngrx-forms actions only (like ngrx/forms/SET_VALUE etc,..).
Something like intercepting between template/component & the store.
Question 2.
How can we customize the labels for ngrx-forms native actions like : ngrx/forms/SET_VALUE, ngrx/forms/MARK_AS_TOUCHED to some custom labels?
Author of ngrx-forms here.
Instead of trying to debounce values before reaching the store, I would suggest you debounce the value before any observable side-effect occurs. The core model of ngrx-forms is to keep the state and view in sync.
For example, similar to your example from @angular/forms
you can use the following to debounce a form value:
this.store.select(s => s.myForm.value.myControl).pipe(debounceTime(200))
It is not possible to customize the action types of ngrx-forms.