Answering this question, I found out that window functions are not allowed to combine with filter (technically, they are, but filter clause affects the window). There is a hint to wrap window function in an inner query, so that final SQL looks like this (as I understand):
SELECT *, *window_function* FROM TABLE)
WHERE *filtering_conditions*
The question is: how can I write this query with Django ORM?
Another solution is Common Table Expressions (CTE), and with the help of django-cte, you could achieve what you want:
cte = With(
qs = cte.queryset().with_cte(cte).filter(your_window_function='something')
Which translates roughly to:
WITH cte as (
SELECT *, WINDOW(...) as your_window_function
FROM yourmodel
FROM cte
WHERE cte.your_window_function = 'something'