How can I convert small float values such as 1.942890293094024e-15 or 2.8665157186802404e-07 to binary values in Python?
I tried GeeksforGeek's solution, however, it does not work for values this small (I get this error: ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '1.942890293094024e-15').
The code looks like this so far:
def float_bin(number, places = 3):
# split() seperates whole number and decimal
# part and stores it in two seperate variables
whole, dec = str(number).split(".")
# Convert both whole number and decimal
# part from string type to integer type
whole = int(whole)
dec = int (dec)
# Convert the whole number part to it's
# respective binary form and remove the
# "0b" from it.
res = bin(whole).lstrip("0b") + "."
# Iterate the number of times, we want
# the number of decimal places to be
for x in range(places):
# Multiply the decimal value by 2
# and seperate the whole number part
# and decimal part
whole, dec = str((decimal_converter(dec)) * 2).split(".")
# Convert the decimal part
# to integer again
dec = int(dec)
# Keep adding the integer parts
# receive to the result variable
res += whole
return res
# Function converts the value passed as
# parameter to it's decimal representation
def decimal_converter(num):
while num > 1:
num /= 10
return num
After some consultation, I found a good piece of code that solves my problem. I just had to apply some little tweaks on it (making it a function, removing automatic input requests etc.).
Huge thanks to @kartoon!