Search code examples

update value as selected value in EnumDropDownList

I created the DropDownList and EnumDropDownList.

Every option in DropDownList has an option with the same name on EnumDropDownList.

I take an option the user picked from DropDownList and I want to update EnumDropDownList that this specific option was selected by the user.

My DropDownList has an id (id="ImageTypeDropDown")
My EnumDropDownList has an id ("id="FileTypeDropDown")

How to fix the line:


      function adjustFitted() {            
            var e = document.getElementById('ImageTypeDropDown');
            var wantedOption = e.options[e.selectedIndex].text;   // the option user chose - works well:)                         


            return false;


  • You are very close.

    function adjustFitted() {
            var targetVal = document.getElementById('ImageTypeDropDown').value;
            var targetDropDown = document.getElementById('FileTypeDropDown2');
            for (var i = 0; i < targetDropDown.options.length; i++) {
                if (targetDropDown.options[i].value == targetVal) {
                    targetDropDown.options[i].selected = true;
            return false;