I'm trying to have my navigation bar with left and right button (SF Symbols) and title aligned so it looks better visually but text in title view seems to have either some spacing or top alignment there and it makes title look higher which is not what i want. How to make text centered there?
EDIT: Seems it happens when using custom fonts, when i tried system fonts and other custom fonts some of them are displayed correctly
EDIT2: After further investigation it turned out to be the font issue, the one i used is designed not centered, which can be seen even when choosing font from dropdown menu, its not centered in selection either
It's not necessary answer specifically for question in the topic but it is answer for my issue.
It turned out that my problem was caused by custom font which has space below by design. So what i did in the end is to lower navigation title by using this line:
navigationController?.navigationBar.setTitleVerticalPositionAdjustment(CGFloat(5), for: UIBarMetrics.default)