I'm trying to get the altitude of the heighest point in each area, I wrote this query which in working fine:
select max(obstacle.valhgt_ft)
from obstacle,
where st_contains (obstacle_buffer.geom,obstacle.geom)
group by obstacle_buffer.primary_id
But when I try to update an attribute with this query I have a syntax error near "group"
UPDATE obstacle_buffer
SET max_valhgt_ft = max(obstacle.valhgt_ft)
from obstacle,
where st_contains (obstacle_buffer.geom,obstacle.geom)
group by obstacle_buffer.primary_id
You can use a co-related sub-query to do this:
UPDATE obstacle_buffer
SET max_valhgt_ft = (select max(obstacle.valhgt_ft)
from obstacle
where st_contains (obstacle_buffer.geom, obstacle.geom))