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AttributeError: module 'cv2.cv2' has no attribute 'freetype' in OpenCV

I'm using a docker container with minimal packages installed. I installed opencv-contrib-python using pip3 install opencv-contrib-python and it installed the latest build 4.1.025 and have verified that it was running and my program was ok with it. However, now I need the freetype module but when I try:

import cv2 as cv
ft = cv.freetype.createFreeType2()

It throws the AttributeError as in the title. I tried reinstalling different versions namely:,,, to no avail. I am using the headless version mainly(since I'm using docker and I don't need any gui functionality). Another thing I found out was not all the modules can be imported I have tried (ccalib, tracking, sfm, xobjdetect etc) and these modules throw the same error. Does this mean that some modules are not available through the pip3 installation? Thank you.


  • I'm pretty late to this issue, but I hope this helps someone.

    I've added links to an easy to follow guide at the bottom.

    Here are the essential steps, you'd need to follow:

    • Install CMake & Git (if you haven't already)
    • In a folder git vcpkg (git clone
    • Install freetype and harfbuzz using vcpkg commandline
      • bootstrap-vcpkg.bat
      • vcpkg install freetype:x64-windows
      • vcpkg install harfbuzz:x64-windows
    • Locate vcpkg.cmake file and note down its path
    • Ensure C++ build tools are installed in Visual Studio 19
    • Download and extract OpenCV & OpenCV contrib
    • Create a empty dir called "build" inside the extracted OpenCV
    • Modify CMakeLists.txt inside freetype module folder in opencv-contrib (Link)
    • Modify and run the following command:
      • cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -B D:\code\downloads\opencv-4.3.0\build -D BUILD_NEW_PYTHON_SUPPORT=ON -D BUILD_PYTHON_SUPPORT=ON -D BUILD_opencv_python3=yes -D PYTHON_DEFAULT_EXECUTABLE=D:\anaconda3\python.exe -D OPENCV_SKIP_PYTHON_LOADER=ON -D PYTHON_LIBRARY=D:\anaconda3\libs\python36.lib -D OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH=D:\code\downloads\opencv_contrib-4.3.0\modules -D OPEN_CV_FORCE_PYTHON_LIBS=yes -D CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=D:\code\downloads\vcpkg\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake
    • Use CMake GUI to make changes referenced at this link (LINK)
    • Once necessary changes are made, click Configure and Generate.
    • Building DEBUG & RELEASE versions using Visual Studio 19
    • Test the installation by importing cv2.freetype from the environment you setup.

    There's a comprehensive written guide over here:

    Also, I've made a video inspired by the same tutorial, which can be found here:

    I would recommend watching the video and keeping this guide open on the side.
