I believe I am having a problem with both the data type and ownership of iter
. It is first declared inside the for
loop expression. I believe Rust infers that iter
is of type u16
because it is being used inside of my computation on line 4.
1 let mut numbers: [Option<u16>; 5];
2 for iter in 0..5 {
3 let number_to_add: u16 = { // `iter` moves to inner scope
4 ((iter * 5) + 2) / (4 * 16) // Infers `iter: u16`
5 };
7 numbers[iter] = Some(number_to_add); // Expects `iter: usize`
8 }
I am receiving the following error:
error[E0277]: the type `[std::option::Option<u16>]` cannot be indexed by `u16`
--> exercises/option/option1.rs:3:9
7 | numbers[iter] = Some(number_to_add);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ slice indices are of type `usize` or ranges of `usize`
as u16
inside the computation in line 4, but still having issues.Where is my misconception?
Your assumption is correct. And your fix was ok too (it led to a different error, see below).
Your first problem was that for slice indexing, iter needs to be of type usize
so either
numbers[iter as usize] = Some(number_to_add);
((iter as u16 * 5) + 2) / (4 * 16)
will lead to correct type inference through rustc.
Your second problem was that numbers was not initialized, so rustc correctly warns you when you try to modify numbers. Assigning a value, e.g.,
let mut numbers: [Option<u16>; 5] = [None; 5];
will let you compile your program.