I have to parse file with .xls
extention into DataTable
object. Seems like file is text table with fixed columns length in cp866
encoding, but I couldn't read it with appropriate connection string.
I can successfully open such files with MS Excel
, and it writting Opening DBF 4 while it opening. Below example of reading attempt such file as simple text, and you may notice that some characters are not recognized.
Can somebody help to solve this problem?
Suppose that it's corrupt dbf4
file. You could try to read it using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
Application app = new Application { Visible = false };
Workbook wb = app.Workbooks.Open(fileFullName, UpdateLinks: 0, ReadOnly: true, CorruptLoad: 1);
Worksheet ws = wb.Worksheets.Item[1];
Range r = ws.UsedRange;
object[,] va = (object[,])r.Value2;
int rowLen = va.GetLength(0);
int colLen = va.GetLength(1);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 1; i <= rowLen; i++)
object[] row = new object[colLen];
for (int j = 1; j <= colLen; j++)
row[j - 1] = va[i, j];
sb.AppendLine(string.Join(";", row));
string result = sb.ToString();
wb.Close(false, fileFullName, null);