I want to create a single contingency table given 3 columns of a data frame using xtabs() function(in R). The code below works fine for 2 columns:
xtabs(~B + C, data = theData) #contingency table for two columns
but when I add one more attribute, I get an error:
xtabs(~B + C + mean(A), data = theData)
Error in model.frame.default(formula = ~B + C + :
variable lengths differ (found for 'mean(A)')
For example, for the data frame below
1 b1 c1
2 b1 c1
3 b1 c2
1 b1 c2
4 b2 c2
7 b2 c1
The output should be like:
b1 c1 1.5
c2 2.0
b2 c1 7.0
c2 4.0
What is the right way of creating a table with mean values of one column across the other (different) two columns? Thank you
We can use xtabs
after summarising the output with aggrregate
xtabs(A ~ B + C , data = aggregate(A ~ B + C, theData, FUN = mean))
# C
#B c1 c2
# b1 1.5 2.0
# b2 7.0 4.0
Or in this case, the output can be just aggregate
aggregate(A ~ B + C, theData, FUN = mean)
# B C A
#1 b1 c1 1.5
#2 b2 c1 7.0
#3 b1 c2 2.0
#4 b2 c2 4.0
It is not recommended to change some values to blank ""
as it can create issues with other steps