I am using the UIImagePickerController.InfoKey.editedImage to retrieve a UIImage object that contains the final image after the user moved and/or scaled it. However, when I go to the simulator, select the image I want, and then I don't find any options for editing the picture. It seems like .editedImage is same as .originalImage. I tried to find a way to edit the image with the UIImage picker controller such as cropping, scaling, etc. but my simulator doesn't have that option. How can I add some functions to edit an image?
Step-1: Tap and hold the Option key (⌥)
on the keyboard and click on the selected image on the Simulator. You'll see two Solid, Gray buttons showing up where your mouse cursor is, just the same as a user would use their Index finger and Thumb to Pinch and Zoom
an image (screenshot attached).
Step-2: Drag the image on the Simulator. You'll be able to crop the selected image by zooming in (screenshot attached). Can move the image also, by unholding the Option key (⌥)
from your keyboard.
Step-3: Finally, the info[.editedImage]
will get the user's edited/modified image in the imagePickerController: didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo: